Back from break! Well, right before we left for Thanksgiving, we finished watching the movie "Chalk". The movie is about a bunch of relatively new teachers, teaching at a high school in stereotypical, middle-class America. The movie was pretty funny, I totally agree that its like The Office for teachers. I think that if I had actually experienced my first few years of teaching already, I might have found it a little funnier rather than slightly scary to be honest. I've been through the public school system, I've seen some these teachers before. I feel like I've been privileged to have had some very very good teachers in the past, but I've known of ones that were not so good. I can think of one in particular, my eighth grade science teacher. He was very intimidating, but was never fully in control of the class. I can remember being yelled at, actually yelled at, in class for talking. I had never been reprimanded for talking in class by any other teacher before, or since, but this teacher he got very angry at me. Needless to say, I didn't like that teacher very much after that. He once angrily knocked over a chair because his slim fast had been stolen from the classroom. He ended up being kind of the joke of the cluster. It was one of his first years (maybe his very first) teaching, and it was definitely his first year at our school. He left after finishing the year out. It is of those instances where you think that that person wasn't really meant to be a teacher. I could see some of those in the movie "Chalk". But in the end, I think the ones who seemed most hopeless actually seemed to have it somewhat under control. I really hope that I'm able to be better beginning teachers than some of the teachers in this movie, and I'm confident that I can be!
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